Quantum Chemistry and Materials Science

Personal Homepage of Dr. Wilke Dononelli

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Last name:       Dononelli

First name:       Wilke

Date of birth:   27.02.1987

Gender:            male

Nationality:      German/Dutch

Family:            married, one child (born in October 2019 and July 2023)

Work experience

08.-10.2023      Parental Leave
2022                  Listenplatzierung/List placement for Professorship “Theoretical Chemistry” at CAU Kiel.
2021                  Lehrauftrag/ Teaching allowance of Faculty for Chemistry and Biology
05.2020-           Early Career Investigator, MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes, Bremen University

spring 2020      Parental Leave

2014-2018       PhD-student, Theoretical Chemistry, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

2018-2020       PostDoc, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University

2011-2017       Teacher for “Mathematics in electrical engineering” at the EWE Energiecampus Oldenburg

2010-2014       Scientific tutor at the “Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg”

2008-2010       Student tutor at the “Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg”

2006-2007       Civilian service at the youth welfare office of the county Leer


2014-2018      PhD student (Theoretical Chemistry) in the research training group „Nano energy research“ at the “Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg” (Defense: 08.2019 “summa cum laude”)

2010-2014       Master of Science in Chemistry at the “Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg”  (M.Sc.)

2007-2010       Bachelor of Science in chemistry and mathematics at the “Carl von Ossietzky

                        Universität Oldenburg” (B.Sc.)

2006                Teletta Groß Gymnasium Leer, higher education entrance qualification

Meetings and conferences

18.09.2023            Quantentage/Quantumdays Bremen (talk)

05.09.2023            XRay diffraction workshop, Bremen (talk)

08.-10.03.2023            DESY Nanolab Retreat, Bad Bevesen (invited talk)

25.10.2022            Bremen-Shenzhen CMS Seminar (invited talk)

16-21.10.2022            Conference on Analysis of Diffraction Data in Real Space, Grenoble (talk)

18-22.09.2022            Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Heidelberg (Poster)

15-16-09.2022            Machine Learning in Engineering Conference, Hamburg (invited talk)

09-10.06.2022            Workshop – Functional Oxides: synthesis, analysis and characterization, Bremen (talk)

30.05.-01.06.2022       Symposium of the Research Group NaGoCat, Soderstorf (invited talk)

22.07.2021                  ECR workshop: building bridges in science (invited talk)

25.11.2020                  Early Career Investigator workshop: Science meets Industry. (organizing

committee, host and moderator)

31.08.-02.09.2020     SpaceMat2020 – Materials for Space Exploration

22.11.2019                  iMAT (Integrated Materials Research) Seminar, Aarhus (talk)

27.03. – 29.03.2019    Computational Molecular Science, Warwick (poster)

24.06. – 28.06.2018    International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Catalysis –ICTAC, Los Angeles (talk)

16.04. – 18.04.2018    Faraday Discussion: Designing Nanoparticles for Catalysis, London (talk and expert in podium discussion)

11.03. – 16.03.2018    DPG Frühjahrstagung (spring meeting) 2017, Berlin (invitation to Focussession: Frontiers in electronic structure theory (talk))

18.09. – 19.09.2017    4th International Conference on Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Dublin

                                    (invited talk)

27.08. – 01.09.2017     11th Triennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and

Computational Chemists, Munich (poster)

04.06. – 19.06.2017     25th North American Catalysis Society Meeting, Denver (poster)

11.04. – 13.04.2017     Faraday Joint Interest Group Conference, Warwick (talk)

19.03. – 24.03.2017     DPG Frühjahrstagung (spring meeting) 2017, Dresden (talk)

26.09. – 29.09.2016     Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Bochum (poster)

12.09. – 14.09.2016     Summer school for “Nano- and Energyresearch”, Berlin (talk)

28.08. – 02.09.2016     Theory and Applications in Computational Chemistry, Seattle (talk)

07.07.2016                  Winterfeld-Price selection of the GDCH, Hannover (talk)

04.04. – 06.04.2016    Faraday Discussion: Designing New Heterogeneous Catalysts, London

(poster and invitation to present at the lightning session)

06.03. – 11.03.2016     DPG Frühjahrstagung (spring meeting) 2016, Regensburg (talk)

20.09. – 24.09.2015     Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Potsdam (poster)

20.04. – 24.04.2015     CECAM-Workshop: Perspectives of many- particle methods: Total energy,

spectroscopy and time-dependent dynamics, Bremen (poster)

15.03. – 20.03.2015     DPG Frühjahrstagung (spring meeting) 2015, Berlin (talk)

25.08. – 05.09.2014     Summer school “Modern Computational Science”, Oldenburg

09.05. – 11.05.2013       Bunsentagung, Karlsruhe (poster)

25.02.2013                  HPC-Workshop of the Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg (talk)

05.03. – 09.03.2012     HLRS workshop “Fortran for Scientific Computing”, Stuttgart

13.03. – 18.03.2011     DPG Frühjahrstagung (spring meeting) 2011, Dresden (talk)

26.09. – 30.09.2010     Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Münster (poster)

09.08. – 20.08.2010     Summer school “Modern Computational Science”, Oldenburg

Awards and scholarships

2020                Election as ECI (Early Career Investigator) member of the MAPEX Center    

2019                Travel award of the Faraday Division of the of the Royal Society of

Chemistry for participation at the CMS in Warwick

2018                Travel grant of the Materials Chemistry Division of the Royal Society of

Chemistry for participation at the Faraday Discussion in London

2017                Nomination for teaching award “Preis der Lehre” at Carl von Ossietzky University


2017                Congress grant “Kongressstipendium” of the Universitätsgesellschaft Oldenburg e.V

2017                Student bursary of the Surface Reactivity and Catalysis Group of the Royal Society of

Chemistry for participation at the NAM25 in Denver (USA)

2016/2017       Oltech travel grant for participation at the NAM25 in Denver (USA)

2016                Travel grant of the FAZIT Stiftung for traveling to conferences in the USA

                        (TACC2016 Seattle)

2016                Wolfgang-Schulenberg travel grant for participation at international conferences

                        (Faraday Discussion, London)

2014-2017      „Georg-Lichtenberg“ scholarship of research training group „Nano energy research“ PhD grant for covering costs of living

2012-2014       „MINT Science Excellent“ scholarship of the Manfred Lautenschläger Stiftung

2010                Poster award at the „Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry“ in Münster

2009-2010       Scholarship for covering tuition fees at the “Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg”

2016/17/18      Wilhelm und Else Heraeus travel grant (multiple times) for participation at DPG

Spring Meetings and the WATOC 2017 in Munich

Reviewing Activities

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, ACS Catalysis, ACS applied materials & interfaces, The Journal of Chemical Physics, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Topics in Catalysis


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Teaching experience

2022- Lecturer of „Chemical Data Analyzes and Plotting“

2022 „Lehrauftrag“ of the chemistry department

2021-              Lecturer of “Computational Materials Science” for Master and PhD students

2018-       Supervision of PhD projects

2018                Development and implementation of new teaching concept: “Lernwerkstatt Chemie”

2016-2018      Lecturer of “Theoretical and Mathematical Basics of Chemistry” (lecture for first semester students (250 students) for first half of the semester)

2014-2018      Teacher for “Theoretical foundations of chemistry” (Exercise class with 200 students)

2011-2018      Supervision of more than 10 bachelor and master thesis

2008-2014      Student Tutor for undergraduate students



German(native), English(excellent), Dutch(intermediate), Danish(beginner)

Programming knowledge

Operating systems: Windows, Mac OS and Linux OS

Quantum chemistry program packages: ASE, Crystal, Diamond, Gaussian, GPAW, Molpro, Mopac, MOLCAS, Orca, Turbomole, VASP, DFTB+, Diffpy

Good Knowledge in FORTRAN77, FORTRAN 95 and Python, basic knowledge in MPI, OPENMP, HTML and Numpy.

Image processing in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop and rendering with PovRay.

Memberships and steering roles


2020 Election as ECI (Early Career Investigator) member of the MAPEX Center

2009-2013 Student representative of the Chemistry Department at Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

Social activities

2011-2018       Leader of the youth group (Jugendwart) at the Oldenburger Yacht Club (in this context: nomination as “citizen of the year” of the city of Oldenburg in 2015)

2001-2007       Sailing instructor (coach) for young people at the Yacht Club Papenburg

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